Monday, 16 January 2012

Chillin' ♥

I've been So Lazy the whole day. Honestly, I haven't done anything..

Just went to school, chilled there with my buddies and we decided to go iceskating on Thursday.. Then I went for a walk with my friends, ate tomato soup.. and watched Plain Jane and MADE from MTV.
My Life could not sound any more boring.

weeeell. It could actually. Since I'm planning on buying a Playstation 2 again and both Kingdom Hearts I & II. ..Goodbye life!

Atleast I'm going to London 18.2 and I have an (3 hour) jobinterview on 11.2.. and in May i'm going to St. Petersburg, Russia for the first time in my life. Not gonna buy a fur, no worries. I'm against all that..

Anyways here are my outfits of the past weekend!

Shirt JC // Skirt H&M

That was Friday and here's Saturday (when I went to the party)

Top // Spirit Store quality, bro.

yup, some of us get to flow and glow on red carpets while others walk in this:

I ♥ Finland and Finland defo ♥ Me..

Well, what can you say? When Life gives you lemons, keep them, 'cause hey, free lemons!


hahaha.. Just try to hang in there!
Yours, T. ♥

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