Tuesday 7 February 2012

Jungle Drum

How is it possible that just when I've recovered from tonsillitis (ouch) I get this HUGE allergic reaction? From the medicine I've been taking for the tonsillitis!

Okay so First of all I sprained a muscle from my leg. and after that I couldn't really rest, so I just did my cheer-thing and all with the leg.. Well then the muscle was infected and I got a fever for a week or so. But I had so much to do! I couldn't possibly stay in bed.. So it got worse, and I got the tonsillitis. And I had to take antibiotics.. AND IT SEEMS I'M ALLERGIC TO THEM and now I look like a little monster w/ pink dots allover me! and they're ichy..

What do we learn from this? If you're sick - REST!

How have u pumpkins been?
I'm SUPER excited: the last post here got 10 comments from you guys! Thankyou sm ♥ And keep them coming! ♥

I hope you already noticed the new little Icon I made for my blogger profile;

TT as in Tara Tarina (surprising or what?)

Geez, what else..
Oh right, as said before I've gone mad for The Leo Print, and it's taking over my dressing;

Here's my outfit from Monday!

Trousers // Zara, Knit // H&M

Monday evening I also got a good idea for doing my nails;

In with Leopard Print? Who? Me?

Yesterday I also watched Jamelia's document of the origin of hairextensions, which was kinda gross.. And just in time for my hairextensions which arrived Today!

the thing in ordering hairextensions online is knowing ur own haircolor. Which I obviously don't - So I though my hair was like this:
..But, I was wrong. It's more like this;
So I had to change my order: aaand We're back waiting. :(

Otherwise Today was quite good (except for the rash..)
I didn't have any school, so I went to get a massage and then I went to quickly check out H&M..
1th of all I saw this super cute beige beret and a rhinestone ring. If i go back for them, I promise to upload a picture.
Then I saw this mega cute hoodie (I green!)
Green 'Janeville' hoodie // H&M 24,90 e

Oh, and that heart ring I wore today is from ASOS..

Only one last thing (and oh how u ladies are gonna love this..):
Am I the only one who stops and stares the TV screen like someone would've cast a spell on me, everytime THIS hit's the screen;

When it ends, just klick the arrow to replay. Hahahah, Enjy!
xx, T.


  1. Very nice post! Hope you get better soon!:) Kisses! xoxo

    1. Thankyou, sweetie! I really hope so too..

  2. Ihanat kynnet ja ihana hame! Ja sulla on hurjan kapeet ja pienet jalat! Kiva postaus :)

  3. Awesome nails!!


  4. You are very pretty!! I ordered hair extensions once, and the color was not quite right, but I dyed my hair a slightly darker blonde and just went with it! lol It gave me just another excuse to change my hair color! :)

    1. Heyy! Thankyou ♥
      Yh the problem was that the highlights are actually quite redish.. orange, I would say. And believe me, I'm not going orange with my hair :D


  5. AWW ihana neule ja kynnet ! * leopardii ♥ *

    Kiitos kommentista Tara! ^^ Aurinkoista päivää,

    - Indie by Heart

  6. I love the nails, super cute:)

  7. great outfits,following you sweetheart,check out my blog and follow me back if you want

    xoxo Teo


    1. Geez, Thankyou Teo ♥

      I'll go check out urs!
