Saturday 29 January 2011

Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Valentino, Balenciaga.......♥

...And I'll be there soon. ITALY, I'm coming!

I'm Incredibly tired, so let me make this quick - - - BLOG - PICTURES - SONG - LOUIS VUITTON - SPEEDY 30 WITH A STRAP - HANDBAG FOR ME (in the colour of sepia!)♥ - ITALY - FRIENDS - AWESOMENESS - 23 DAYS.

it's time to start a diet! tomorrow I got work-training-party and on Sunday it'll be SCHOOLWORK and off to jogging. oh, and I tricked my daddy to take me shopping la la la... Lucky me, Less lucky: His wallet..

 My shopping list is long, and I'll blog what I bought afterwards.

ANYWAYS - I gotta go to bed, Blog to you laters!
Pictures: Some of today's outfit and a sneak preview of MY PROM GOWN

Black'n'White - striped puff-sleeved basic shirt from H&M
Pink heart necklace in golden chain from Tokyo, JP
Pearl Earrings
Pink flower hair-clips H&M


...looks white!! ANYWAYS, it's really shear minty green, not white at... well, not much. And well these pics are horrible. BUT HERE IT FINALLY IS!
Voilà, c'est ca!

AND BTW. all of those little shiny svarowskicrystals are hand glued. BY ME.

And to get into the party mood for tomorrow...

PS: My daddy just bought me a minilaptop with a webcam for me to use while in italy.. but the thing is. . I have no Idea HOW TO DO THAT! that computer is DIFFICULT

BACIONE! (which means 'kiss' in Italian !)

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